Saturday, May 3, 2014

It Just Happened

I'm so humbled that the Lord would allow us this opportunity. These past days have been dedicated to creating our new ministry website. I feel such an anointing on this. Those who know me on a personal level know the passion I have to see people encounter God and impacted. Every part of this project was led by the spirit of the lord and was totally designed in worship to the Lord. There were times where the Lord had us completely stop and just get on our face in worship. There were hours we spent in complete tears as the spirit of of the Lord was resting upon us. I heard something in the spirit last night as we finished and launched the site. I heard "IT JUST HAPPENED" ...
Please understand it has nothing to do with the site or person but with a movement that is being birthed. The Lord has tremendously blessed us with a platform that reaches globally over 100 countries each day and with this new website which we have solely dedicate to the Lord it will be used as a platform and beacon, many will come to encounter the love of Jesus. Glory!

Our Vision is impact this generation. A generation who are tired of just words, to impart a supernatural stirring in the spirit for the demonstrating power of God love through signs and wonders, to see the sick healed and the dead raised to have on earth as it is in Heaven. We want to see it, Capture it and broadcast it to all the nations of the world! Transforming and impacting the world.

Our ministry has been called to be crusaders of HIS exploits! We will travel the nations putting the awesome power of God on display by broadcasting the powerful moves of God and sharing his love to see heaven manifested on earth and to spread the gospel of Jesus to the world. It's a Media Revival! 

Pete Garza
Radio Air Jesus Ministries

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