Thursday, February 21, 2013


That moment as a youth leader when you ask the youth the question "Have you ever encountered the Presence of God?"  and only 2 in the entire group has. It's time to bring this generation to encounter the presence of God where they experience the tangible presence and encounter Him in such a way that completely changes them for the rest of their lives.

"Lord create a fire of burning passion for the youth in the world to just burn for you, Lord teach and raise up leaders who aren't afraid and who will lead by example and guide the youth of this generation to know their identity, purpose and the Kingdom Mandate for such a time as this.  Leaders it does no good to talk a good talk, if your going to teach about presence and signs and wonders than you better be ready to lead by the demonstration of it.

1 Corinthians 4:20 "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power"

Pete Garza

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