Thursday, February 21, 2013

Attack On The Prophetic

This blog entry is not like my normal one but i feel it is very important for the season that we are in.
Yesterday the Lord gave me a vision in this vision the Lord told me  "The enemy is trying to killed the prophetic voice. I than saw many eagle eggs that had not yet been hatched. There must have been  hundreds that extended down this cliff. I then saw the enemy cracking off the tops of each egg in attempt to kill the baby eagles. Every egg that was cracked was empty.

In this vision I saw the enemies frustration  because he could not find a single live egg.

I was than taken to the top of this mountain and on this mountain there was a huge tree with a huge branch that extended over the cliff and out to the sky. On the very edge of this huge branch were eagle's nest with live eggs.

The Lord said "I have hidden these eggs in this secret place to keep them safe. These baby eagles are carriers of my voice that will bring life to all those who hear. They are those who live on the edge because there is no turning back and with this call they will only have 1 choice to get off this ledge/nest. Jumping off the ledge is the only way off."

God is birthing a new breed of prophets to take their place. They will be vital in the days to come. God is speaking, prepare our hearts God for this amazing move that is coming.

Pete Garza


Last night I shared a story about the elephant with the impact group that we lead. Most people have visited the zoo and have seen the massive elephants who are chained to a short thin chain and literally have maybe a 6 foot clearance to move around.
As baby elephants they are brought in to the zoo and they are immediately attached to a shackle and chain on their foot. As a baby the elephant will fight the chain by pulling and tugging but will be unsuccessful in doing so. The baby elephant will go several weeks trying to break free from this chain and eventually will give up and surrender the fight because its spirit is completely broken.

Many years will go by and this elephant grow to be a massive 24,000 pound animal with such strength that it could totally bust the chain off it's foot with one powerful-thrust.
You see the elephant does not know how much authority it has and how strong it truly is. All it knows is how when it was a baby that it could never break free so it never thought to try again because it felt defeated.

You see many of us are a lot like that elephant we are raised with the mindsets of limitations and many time by words of man that were spoken over us. Some words may be "I can never afford that"  or maybe "It is what it is" or My mom had this sickness so I'm probably gonna have it too.  All of these words are LIES from the enemy because your not meant to live in poverty, sickness, anger or bitterness. Just like the elephant you stopped pulling on that bondage and just left it be and because of that it has taken root in your spirit.

The TRUTH is you are now that fully grown son and daughter of the KING of KINGS and you are called for such a time as this and you have complete and full authority to break off any chains that may be holding you down. No more shackles, no more chains you are set free!  So this morning give a powerful-thrust and break that chain that is holding you back  and be free because who the Son sets free is free indeed.

Pete Garza

Punched in the mouth!

Today was such an amazing day! My day started off with a great bible study from my pastor and shortly there after some powerful praise and worship.

This morning let me tell you what happened, it's actually kind of funny.  During my worship time this morning I could feel the waves of heaven literally flowing over me.
My body felt as if I was flying, it was amazing. During this time i began to dance and radically throwing punches in my worship. Well I'm pretty sure your wondering where i'm going with this story. Well during the time when I was punching in my dance to the Lord one of my punches flung around and I PUNCHED myself in my mouth busting my lip and almost knocking out my front tooth OUCH!

You see when I minister I often share the verse Psalms 3:7. In this verse it speaks about breaking the teeth of the enemy and rendering him powerless.
God is funny and has a way of talking to his children in ways that we can understand.  At that moment of me striking myself instantly i felt the pain of the punch. I was in shock from what just had happened!  The Lord than spoke tom me, and said " DO YOU WANT TO BREAK THE TEETH OF THE ENEMY?,  THIS IS WHERE IT STARTS. IT STARTS IN YOUR WORSHIP AND INTERCESSION. 

You see we need to come to the understanding on who our daddy is and how much HE loves us.
If you are being attacked in any area of your life or ministry  it's time to get in the face of the Lord and start proclaiming and declaring victory over your situation. We were not designed to be  slaves;  but to be KINGS. A King knows his place and that is in the THRONE ROOM of God.


Pete Garza
Radio Air Jesus

It's a bubbling!

Today as I was sitting in front of my computer enjoying a fresh cup of Hot coffee I caught my self humming and later my humming turned into singing.  It's what i was singing that made me so happy lol. I was singing an old song we use to sing at my church when I was a child and it brought such a Joy to me this morning. It goes something like this.

"It's a bubbling It's a Bubbling, Its a bubbling in my soul. I'm singing and SHOUTING because Jesus made me whole!"

You see the Lord wants to bring back the joy in your life  "The Joy of the Lord is our strength, Nem 8:10".  As adults we get caught up in all the hustle and shuffle of life and we forget how to enjoy our life. So this morning I believe the Lord wants to take you back to that happy place in your life and bring remembrance of HIS JOY! Let the Joy of the Lord BUBBLE  inside of you this day, Glory! We are free!

Pete Garza

A Bunch of Dung!

This  morning the Lord took me to a vision that my wife Alice had a year ago. 
In this vision she was taken into a sanctuary of a church that was covered with piles of dung all over the sanctuary floor. There was some much dung on the floor that she had to tip toe when she walked.

The Lord than spoke these words

" WILL YOU CONTINUE TO DO WHAT I HAVE CALLED YOU TO DO EVEN IN THE MIDST OF THE MESS" What is God saying in this vision?  This morning know that no matter what mess may be thrown your way know that the calling that God has placed over you will surpass any plan of the enemy.  Reach to the heavens and make a joyful noise unto the Lord because you are victorious! We need to look pass the mess and look to the message of Jesus Christ.

(Leave a comment and tell us what you believe God is speaking in this vision)

Pete Garza

You're A Target

Today is a new day and for most people entering this new year is one of new beginnings and promises. I have recently learned that everyone is in there own season some may be in a season of preparation and others of waiting. No matter what season we are in we must always keep focused and keep our eyes on the Lord and in doing so he will always keep us on track.

The enemy is out to seek whom he can destroy and he will use anyone or anything that will give it room.  But greater is HE that is in us and because of this we are victorious.  We carry such authority and power in Jesus and we are called to shake this earth, to be a testimony of the goodness of God, to spread the gospel of Jesus to every end of the earth.  Don't fall to the scheme of the devil. He is a liar, accuser of the brethren and will do nothing but cause  division. We must see past the current situation and view it from a kingdom perspective. God is love, honor, truth and He is always there for you.  Love Hard and God will take care of the rest. Remember Your Heart is God's Target

Pete Garza


You hear voices and sounds all the day long. At the grocery store commercials on TV of sales. What ever appeals to you the most is what catches your attention. We are in a vital part this season. Assumption is not a option. Even though we hear all the things all the day long our ears should be tuned in the the station of Holy Spirit. Sometimes we get distracted with all these other sounds and so we switch the station in our ears. We must fix our eyes on him and our ears must be tuned in to what he is doing what he is saying. Its like that scripture says:
My thoughts toward you are countless
as the sand on the seashore.

Psalm 139:17-18
How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them,
Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand.
When I am awake, I am still with you.
(NIV Bible) 

He is with us in every breathe we take every step we walk. He holds our hand like a Father holds his child's hand to cross the street. He holds our hand in every step we take in to new avenues to his Kingdom. Fear is not of the Lord so don't let fear stop you from doing what he has called you to do. All though it sometimes seems hard and unbelievable tune your ears to Holy Spirit.  We serve a mighty Jesus who does not know of a word can't. Begin to align your self with the perfect Radio Station Holy Spirit.

Alice Garza

The Little Things Count

As children of God we need to hold ourselves accountable even in the small things like "BEING ON TIME" if we say were going to do something lets do it. Don't be that person who's word is good for nothing. We can't go speaking of Kingdom and excellence when we can't even keep our word when we make promises. Be the change and do as the Father does and say what he father says. Accountability and responsibility are vital and play a huge part in our character and nature. Let's walk with the integrity and excellence that our daddy has given us. Be blessed fam

Pete Garza 


That moment as a youth leader when you ask the youth the question "Have you ever encountered the Presence of God?"  and only 2 in the entire group has. It's time to bring this generation to encounter the presence of God where they experience the tangible presence and encounter Him in such a way that completely changes them for the rest of their lives.

"Lord create a fire of burning passion for the youth in the world to just burn for you, Lord teach and raise up leaders who aren't afraid and who will lead by example and guide the youth of this generation to know their identity, purpose and the Kingdom Mandate for such a time as this.  Leaders it does no good to talk a good talk, if your going to teach about presence and signs and wonders than you better be ready to lead by the demonstration of it.

1 Corinthians 4:20 "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power"

Pete Garza

Do You Smell That?

Recently we went through an ordeal with one of our dogs,  yes as you probably guessed it. He urinated all over my carpet. I was so upset, especially since my dog never does that. Immediately you could smell the strong odor of urine and it was disgusting. We quickly went into cleaning mode and began to bring out all the cleaning products and started to scrub the carpet because the last thing we wanted was a stain and a foul odor.
Needless to say it was quite an adventure and thankfully everything is smelling fresh again. Now your probably wondering why am I sharing this story with the entire world. Well this morning the Lord began to speak with me about my little adventure. Many times we live with the mindset that we are battling our flesh and constantly trying to put it under subjection. Many people struggle with identity issues whether  it's lust, fornication, anger or any area that the enemy is allowed access too. We try to justify  ourselves by sweeping it under the rug and we try to cover it up with a smile at church and our "hallelujah'" shouts during worship yet the devil is stomping all over you in your mind. You see when the dog urinated it made a mess of things and  smelt horrible We tried to do what ever we could to cover up the smell and clean the stain. But it was not until I went to the ROOT of the problem and did a deep steam clean that extracted the foul odor and removed all the junk from deep within every fiber fiber of this carpet. Once this was done it was like new, fresh and clean.  You see God wants to deal with the root issue, He wants to go to the very fiber of our being and pull out every piece of junk that has accumulated and caused us to walk with a foul odor in the spirit. Sometimes God turns up the heat on us but it's so we can grow in maturity and know our true identity in Christ. YOU are just as righteous as Jesus because He has made you righteous that day on calvery IT IS FINISHED!

We must know who we are in Christ and the righteousness you walk in. It's not a matter of sin its a matter of knowing the nature of Christ that dwells in us therefore because Jesus finished it at the cross (When Jesus had tasted it, he said, "It is finished!" Then he bowed his head and released his spirit. John 19:30) and because you are made in the image of God (So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground." Gen 1:27-28 NLT) What this means is you no longer have the sinful nature but the nature of CHRIST.

Pete Garza
Radio Air Jesus

You're Not A Failure

God is really doing a work in His bride and for some us this can be a difficult thing. Its almost like you know what is right and you can hear everyone around you giving you Godly advise  and you know it to be truth but for some reason you have a hard time walking in it. Now you will find those people who will act as if they are the most perfect person and in reality they are just living a lie. Don't look at your surroundings and your circumstance because it will continue to bring you down. You see the enemy would love to tell you that you are a failure and you can't do anything right; but know this YOU are not a failure, you are a son and daughter of the MOST HIGH.

You are called to raise the dead, heal the sick and cast out demons, and greater power do you have inside of you than any demon in this world.  Something i say to my family all the time when something happens or goes wrong " it's ok Let's just fix it" pretty simple but yet very effective. God is not an angry God who is waiting for you to fail or fall he is a God of everlasting Love and will be there every moment of your life. Choose this day victory over defeat because and walk with your head up and know that you have purpose and destiny just declare it over yourself and watch God move in your life.

Pete Garza
Radio Air Jesus